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Secure Client Portal

Your information is safe and secure at Pace Accounting
Your Secure Client Portal
Your client portal is a password-protected micro-site where clients can upload and download digital documents in a 100% secure environment. Pace Accounting does not accept or send documents via email due to security concerns. Clients can also pay their invoices using their secure client portal. The secure client portal features an improved user experience, drag and drop, multiple user logins, multi-factor authentication, improved notifications, and simpler online payments. For the best experience, clients should use Chrome or Microsoft Edge on their desktops.
Digital Documents must be legible and named
  • Acceptable File Formats: .heic, .jpg, .jpeg, .doc, .docx, .pdf, .ppt, .xls, .xlsx, .txt.
  • Unacceptable File Formats: Low-res scans, faxes, and Apple/Mac formats.
How to sign in to your Secure Client Portal
If activated, the secure client portal is accessible using this page's Portal Sign-in button or by going to and logging in using your assigned credentials (email and password). 
How to activate your Secure Client Portal
To access the secure client portal, Pace Accounting must first activate it. Call the front desk to request activation. Once activated, a temporary password will be sent to your email, then follow the instructions. 
Alternatively, clients can use the Document Upload Form below if they do not have portal access and only need to send documents.

Document Upload Form 

Clients who do not have an activated Client Portal account can use this secure Document Upload Form that does not require sign-in if you only need to send essential documents to Pace Accounting. For more advanced features like downloading documents and paying invoices, you must first activate and then sign in to your Secure Client Portal.
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